Proposals For Nearby M40, J10

Strategic Railfreight Interchange, referred to as OxSRF, nr Bicester

Oxfordshire Railfreight Ltd is a company registered in Jersey, a subsidiary of the Luxembourg based developer, Mountpark

Link to have your say, closes 4th July

To be clear, this initial consultation feedback goes directly to the company making the proposals, you will not be raising any objection & should additionally share your views with your councillors & MP if you are in the area as well as CDC once the opportunity arises

In addition there are proposals for a large warehouse complex in the same area as reported in Oxford Mail

“Because of its strategic importance, the rail freight terminal and its associated warehouse developments meet the criteria to be considered a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project. Which means the proposals will ultimately be decided upon by the Secretary of State for Transport.  

Local planning authorities have no say in whether the development will go ahead or not”

If you are in the area, please take the time to record the biodiversity around you which will help ensure that nothing is “overlooked” by the developers EIA – you can easily make your records in iRecord to contribute to the NBN Atlas

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