Council Decision To Refuse Large Scale Industrial Warehouse Site Across Ancient Farmland To Be Reviewed At Public Inquiry
The ancient farmland at Huscote Farm is not earmarked for development in Cherwell District Council Local Plan and in fact it was specifically excluded by the planning inspectorate, despite this, an application was made for a large scale industrial warehouse site across this beautiful landscape in May 2022
To date, Cherwell District Council planning department have had to look at three identical planning applications and a previous appeal that was withdrawn at the last minute by the applicant. When considering the latest application, the planning officer cited 15 reasons for refusal, supported by CDC planning committee, the application was refused in March 24. Significant concerns and objections were raised from statutory consultees such as OCC, TVP, The Environment Agency, Highways, Banbury Town Council and neighbouring Northamptonshire councils as well as prominent local groups such as BBOWT, CPRE Oxon and Banbury Civic Society. There were hundreds of public objections too.
The Local Plan aims to ensure that the council can meet all of it’s residential and employment needs for the future and allows full and in depth consultations with all interested parties including the public, meaning that local people get a say in what local people need. In an attempt to override the Local Plan, now the applicant is seeking to overturn the councils decision and has made an appeal to the Secretary of State asking that the local decision to refuse permission be overturned.

The appeal will be heard at a Public Inquiry, the date will be in 2025 but is yet to be determined. As a public event, members of the public are able to observe the proceedings. The planning inspector appointed to oversee the hearing will be given a copy of all public objections made to Cherwell District Council regarding this refused application, however if objectors have further comments to make that support the refusal reasons, they can be made direct to the planning inspectorate online by 18th November.
Members of the public should also raise their objections with their own local councillors and MP to ensure that their views are represented.
Huscote Farm is a beautiful, unspoilt area of Banbury countryside. The ancient farmland contains remnants of the agricultural heritage of the Banbury area, links to the once famous Banbury Cheese, and the biodiversity supports an abundance of wildlife. Developing the area would not only have a hugely detrimental impact on our landscape and local heritage; the road network around the M40 roundabout and Banbury generally is already insufficient for the volume of traffic and adding more traffic to these roads without improvements to the infrastructure will just add more misery to those trying to move about our town. The warehouses built along the A361 have stood empty for a number of years and nearby warehouses are unable to fill job vacancies locally, with many employees commuting from other areas, which suggests that more warehousing would not provide the jobs that local people are looking for.

To lodge an appeal and try to override the local decision simply shows contempt for local democracy and the Banbury people who would be so negatively impacted if this proposal were to go ahead.

Some of the reasons for refusal given by CDC include not being earmarked for development, traffic and highways concerns, negative impact on biodiversity and loss of wildlife habitat, detrimental impact on landscape, lack of sustainability, air quality negative impacts, drainage issues, loss of agricultural land and these are the factors that the planning inspector will consider at the Public Inquiry, hearing evidence from both sides to decide whether to uphold the council’s decision to refuse the application. The decision notice provides full details of the refusals reasons: