As you will already know, although the area of Huscote Farm is not earmarked for development in Cherwell District Council Local Plan and in fact it was specifically excluded, an application was made for large scale industrial development on this historic farmland in May 2022
Many of the statutory consultants have objected to this application and some have requested further information and evaluation. The application is due to be decided by Cherwell District Council planning committee but they have not yet considered this
The applicant has now lodged an appeal to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on the grounds of non-determination of a Planning Application
This means that due to the time taken, the application will no longer be decided by Cherwell District Council planning committee but will be decided at a Public Inquiry
Any comments already made via CDC planning portal will be passed to the planning inspectorate and any further comments must be made to the Planning Inspectorate no later than 31st January
You should contact both your MP and local councillors to ask that they represent your views at the Public Inquiry
This is an ancient ridge and furrow site with no Infrastructure in place. Traffic is already diabolical and there are many empty unused sites within the existing industrial sites. Therefor this new site is unnecessary.