When considering the original application, the planning officer cited 15 reasons for refusal, unanimously supported by CDC planning committee, significant concerns and objections were raised from statutory consultees such as OCC, TVP, The Environment Agency, Highways, Banbury Town Council and neighbouring Northamptonshire councils as well as prominent local groups such as CPRE Oxon, Banbury Civic Society and BBOWT. Cherwell District Council are opposing the original planning application at the Public Inquiry based on this.

Over 200 public objections were made against the original application but they cannot be taken into account in the re-submission unless the objections are made again against the new application
Cherwell District Council have issued a decision notice indicating that they will not be proceeding with this duplicate application
This historical farmland is not allocated in the Cherwell Local Plan 2011-2031 and indeed it was specifically excluded by the Planning Inspectorate who cited many reasons which have not changed and specifically for significant landscape and traffic impacts that cannot be meaningfully mitigated. Cherwell District Council are currently reviewing the Local Plan but still this beautiful area is not allocated for employment use in the so far available drafts of the Cherwell 2040 Plan. The Local Plan aims to ensure that the district can meet all of it’s residential and employment needs for the future and this can be done without ripping into open countryside.
Despite this, an additional application has been submitted to Cherwell District Council that they must deal with completely separately from the original, despite the overall proposal being the same! This means that PREVIOUS COMMENTS MUST BE MADE AGAIN BY OBJECTORS to be taken into account

You should write in your own words, a few or a lot is fine and if you previously commented on the original application, you can simply copy your previous comments

To comment, please click this link & click “comment on this application” or you can also write to Bodicote House quoting the application no 23/00349/OUT
For anyone wanting to copy their original comments, a copy would have been included in your acknowledgement email from Cherwell Planning Team or you can navigate to the “Supporting Documents” tab on the original application to find your comment again. We have a video to show how or anyone needing help with this can email us by clicking the icon below
The original application was appealed on the grounds of non-determination, however it should be noted that not all relevant information had been supplied to the council to allow a decision to be made, Highways specifically had expressed concerns and placed a directive asking that the determination was delayed and the applicant only started their archaeological evaluation after submitting the appeal – the system allows this to happen
It seems ludicrous that the applicant can be allowed to submit a further application without awaiting the result of the Public Inquiry and that the new application has to be dealt with entirely separate, including not carrying forward comments. The council have to operate within the planning system, which is vastly complex, it is the job of an agent representing someone wanting planning permission to understand these complexities and work them to the benefit of the applicant. Sadly, the system affords no protection to councils from exploitations of loop holes in the system by applicants and this wastes valuable time and resources. You should raise your concerns relating to exploitation of the planning system generally with your local MP as the rules are set by government