Big Wild Camp-Out in Rural Nethercote #30dayswild

30 Days Wild is The Wildlife Trusts’ annual challenge where they ask everyone to do one wild thing a day throughout the month of June! Over 113,000 people have signed up as 30 Days Wilders, including residents of the rural hamlet of Nethercote

The Big Wild Weekend, in the middle of the month, is a #30DaysWild celebration and sees the Big Wild Camp-Out!

Big Wild Camp-out in Rural Nethercote

Those who have followed the history of Nethercote for a while will recognise the opportunity to catch up on reading about a piece of treachery that changed world history took place in a quiet lane in Nethercote.

In 1945, Laus Fuchs is said to have handed over the secret formula of the atom bomb to Agent Sonya on a bench in Nethercote. The bench sat on a bend in between the Willows & The Red House (known today as The White Cottage)

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