Our petition urging Cherwell District Council to provide conservation protection for the rural hamlet of Nethercote in Banbury has already gained more than 1000 signatures
As part of their local plan review 2040, Cherwell District Council put out a “call for sites” to which a developer submitted a speculative proposal to use the area of Nethercote as an industrial estate, concreting over around 165 acres of agricultural, rural farmland and erecting around 20 large industrial warehouse units, sometimes referred to as “sheds”
Developing the area of Nethercote for commercial use would have a hugely negative impact on our countryside; increase traffic and place further pressure on the M40 roundabout which is already insufficient for the volume; increase noise from alarms and machinery; remove the natural habitat for wildlife and birds; increase flooding risks by removing permeable surfaces to mention a few.
KEEP NETHERCOTE RURAL (HANDS OFF OUR HAMLET) is a campaign to not only prevent large scale development in the area but to also seek some protection for the area to preserve this area of countryside and the Banbury heritage that lies within for the future
We wanted to say a ginormous thank you to every single person that has taken the time to sign our petition and supported the campaign on our social media platforms, every signature counts and the wider support for our small, rural hamlet and all that lies within is incredible
Please continue to let your friends, family and work colleagues know about our campaign in case they too would like to support & sign the petition, on our website you can find the links to all of our social media platforms, please take a moment to find us on your preferred platform