Golf at Nethercote
In 1901 Banbury & District Golf Club emerged from the reorganisation and Bodicote Golf Club was disbanded. Although by 1905 the golf club had moved to Broughton Road
The principal event of the week has been the re-organisation of the Bodicote Golf Club, which will, in future, be known as the Banbury & District Golf Club. The old Bodicote club will be disbanded at the end of the present month, and the new links at Overthorpe – very suitable in every way – will be opened on the 27th inst.
An inaugural meeting was held at the Red Lion on Tuesday evening, when Mr A B Field was voted to the chair. There were also present – Mr E Lamley Fisher, Mr A Maxwell, Mr Eyre Crowe, Edgar Barrows, Arnold Stockton, Mr A D Allen (Overthorpe) and Mr Tayton. Mr Field said he had no doubt a great many of the old members would join.
He had a letter from Mr Blacklock offering him a cottage at very low rental. The cottage was at Nethercote, at the bottom of Blacklock’s Hill, and the members could cycle up to the door.
Mr Maxwell accepted the office of treasurer. It was resolved to ask the Hon. A E FitzRoy to be president and among the vice-presidents mentioned were; the Earl of Jersey, Mr Brassey M.P, Mr Grazebrook, Mr W H Wilson Fitzgerald, Mr E Hopcraft, Mr J H Blacklock, Mr T W Holland, Mr O Bland, Mr G W Peareth.”
From the Banbury Guardian Thursday 4 April 1901.