Council Decision To Refuse Large Scale Industrial Warehouse Site Across Ancient Farmland To Be Reviewed At Public Inquiry The ancient farmland at Huscote Farm is not earmarked for development in Cherwell District Council Local Plan and in fact it was specifically excluded by the planning inspectorate, despite this, an application was made for a large… Continue reading Huscote Farm Planning Application Refusal Appealed
Converge On The Verge: A Celebration Of Nethercote Verges
Providing effectively managed meadow wildflowers in our verges will provide a healthy ecosystem. Healthy environments for the grass and flowers to flourish can be home to many species of wildflowers, which in turn supports other wildlife. Common bird’s-foot trefoil for example is a food plant for 160 species of insects, which in turn support mammals… Continue reading Converge On The Verge: A Celebration Of Nethercote Verges
Committee Vote To REFUSE Application That Would Destroy Ancient Farmland at Huscote Farm
Developers want historical farmland at Huscote Farm for large scale commercial development, despite it being outside of council Local Development Plan – their proposal is 10 warehouse units around 23m high (thats FOUR double decker buses) Although the area of Huscote Farm is not earmarked for development in Cherwell District Council Local Plan and in… Continue reading Committee Vote To REFUSE Application That Would Destroy Ancient Farmland at Huscote Farm
Huscote Farm – New Planning Application
Those with objections against proposals for large scale industrial development at Huscote Farm, near Nethercote, will need to re-submit objections to Cherwell District Council in order for them to be considered Developers want this historical farmland for large scale commercial development, despite it being outside of council Local Development Plan – their proposal is 10… Continue reading Huscote Farm – New Planning Application
Local Green Space – Why Banbury Lane in Nethercote
NETHERCOTE NEEDS YOUR HELP PLEASE! Our proposal for Nethercote to be designated as a Local Green Space has been rejected due to the area being too vast. We have therefore put together a revised proposition, proposing Banbury Lane in Nethercote to be afforded the designation. This is in keeping with the feedback and other designations… Continue reading Local Green Space – Why Banbury Lane in Nethercote
Citizen Science In Your Own Area
We are often asked how people can get involved in recording the biodiversity in their own area, here Lisa gives an overview on how to get started
A Sign For Nethercote
We are delighted that after hundreds of years, the existence of our beautiful, rural hamlet is acknowledged with a sign! Thank you to Oxfordshire County Council highways for organising this and to our local councillors and MP for their input in making it happen
Nethercote Bat Recording Walk – June 2023
As part of Oxfordshire Great Big Green Week 2023 #ClimateActionOxfordshire residents of Nethercote held a walk to learn more about bats! Nethercote provides natural habitat for wildlife and birds; we see the wildlife on a regular basis. Surveying and recording biodiversity can provide valuable information about habitats, plants, animals and natural processes in an area.… Continue reading Nethercote Bat Recording Walk – June 2023
Rejuvenating The Hedgerows of Nethercote
Nethercote is a hamlet on the edge of North Oxfordshire, a rural area bordering with West Northamptonshire. An area of approximately 165 acres, predominantly agricultural land used for grazing. A single-track road runs right through the hamlet, known as Banbury Lane, which has around a dozen residential properties along the land. The small, winding, quaint… Continue reading Rejuvenating The Hedgerows of Nethercote
When considering the original application, the planning officer cited 15 reasons for refusal, unanimously supported by CDC planning committee, significant concerns and objections were raised from statutory consultees such as OCC, TVP, The Environment Agency, Highways, Banbury Town Council and neighbouring Northamptonshire councils as well as prominent local groups such as CPRE Oxon, Banbury Civic… Continue reading HUSCOTE FARM PLANNING APPLICATION – CALL TO ACTION