Providing effectively managed meadow wildflowers in our verges will provide a healthy ecosystem. Healthy environments for the grass and flowers to flourish can be home to many species of wildflowers, which in turn supports other wildlife. Common bird’s-foot trefoil for example is a food plant for 160 species of insects, which in turn support mammals and birds
As part of Great Big Green Week 2024 #climateactionoxfordshire Keep Nethercote Rural ran a series of events to run on Saturdays through June, celebrating and enhancing our verges, inaugurating our verge project with an initial manageable area. Ultimately the impact will be an enhancement to our biodiversity & improvement of our green space for all

Road verges may simply seem like bits of grassland alongside a road, but they are an important part of our ecosystems; accommodating plants and wildflower and the potential to create important habitats for all kinds of animals; insects, birds and mammals to name a few. Verges also provide important corridors for wildlife, links between different habitats which allows both plant and animal species to travel further afield, important for them individually as well as for the ongoing health of any given species.
We have worked with experts at Oxfordshire County Council to identify the optimum management of our verges, which considers land use, existing flora and other factors to try to achieve the maximum enhancements to our biodiversity for our efforts!
During our initial events we had a test run at preparing the area, allowing us to fully understand what will be required and overcome any challenges faced to ensure the full success. The events attracted local residents and volunteers from the wider Banbury area, allowing us to grow our volunteer base and raise awareness and interest in the project. Learning how the management would work and seeing scything in action was certainly a highlight for many!
Ongoing we will cut the grass in autumn and spring, removing the cuttings which is essential to the success of the meadow wildflowers. Once the wildflowers finish flowering, they will drop their seeds and it is important that this has happened before the autumn cut. We will also be aiming to remove any of the species that will restrict the success of the wild flowers that don’t reduce by the management techniques.
Please click the button below to register your interest if you are interested in volunteering with the Nethercote Working Party