Local Planning
A local plan is a long-term document setting out planning policies and proposals for new development within the district and is used to guide decisions on future development proposals as well as addressing the needs and opportunities in the area
Cherwell District Council
As part of the review process that is happening currently, Cherwell District council has given landowners and developers the opportunity to let them know about areas that might be suitable for future development for both housing and commercial purposes
Cherwell District Council will shortly be reviewing these contributions to decide whether they will be included in the Local Plan which seeks to address the needs of the District up to the year 2040. The current consultation has closed but there will be further consultations as the review progresses and therefore further opportunities for you to have your say.
The full submission that relates to using area of Nethercote for commercial development can be found here: https://www.cherwell.gov.uk/info/33/planning-policy/851/local-plan-review—representations-to-the-issues-paper-consultation/4. A proposal was also made that the area be given Local Green Space designation. The current consultation on these submissions is now closed and it is awaited for Cherwell District Council to publicise the sites that they support for inclusion in their plan and for what purpose. In the meantime, if you support the designation of Nethercote as a Local Green Space you should let Cherwell District Council know, along with your personal reasons and also ask that your local councillor and MP support your views on this. Planning.Policy@cherwell-dc.gov.uk

West Northamptonshire Council
West Northamptonshire Council are also currently carrying out a review of their Local Plan, which they refer to as their Strategic Plan. A small part of Nethercote falls within West Northamptonshire as does the Bowling Green site at the other end of the hamlet. Due to the submissions made to Cherwell District Council relating to Nethercote and also with The Bowling Green being in the process of being sold, it is inevitable that consideration of the area will be reviewed by West Northamptonshire Council and it is important that they too are made aware of your views on use of the area. strategicplan@westnorthants.gov.uk
WNC current consultation closed on 6th December 2021
The area of Huscote not currently being earmarked for development within Cherwell District Council Local Plan and in fact was rejected from inclusion by the Planning Inspectorate in 2015. Despite this, an application for outline planning has been submitted to Cherwell District Council, even though the pre-planning advice report suggests that the planning officers do not support this application
Read More About The Outline Planning Application and How You Can Have Your Say
New Planning Application For Huscote Farm (December 2023)

Additional Planning Application For Huscote Farm
Cherwell District Council have issued a decision notice indicating that they will not be proceeding with this duplicate application

Cherwell District Council are opposing the planning application based on 15 grounds, the area is not earmarked for development in the Local Plan and does not meet national or local guidelines. Significant concerns and objections have been raised from statutory consultees such as OCC, TVP, The Environment Agency, Highways, Banbury Town Council and neighbouring Northamptonshire councils as well as prominent local groups such as CPRE Oxon, Banbury Civic Society and BBOWT. There have been over 200 objections to this application by the public too!
Despite this, an additional application has been submitted to Cherwell District Council that they must deal with completely separately from the original, despite the overall proposal being the same! This means that PREVIOUS COMMENTS MUST BE MADE AGAIN BY OBJECTORS to be taken into account

You should write in your own words, a few or a lot is fine and if you previously commented on the original application, you can simply copy your previous comments
To comment, please click the above link & click “comment on this application” or you can also write to Bodicote House quoting the application no 23/00349/OUT
Planning Application For Huscote Farm
Despite the Local Plan Review 2040 not yet completed, and no public indication as to whether Cherwell District Council support any development in this rural area, developers have aggressively pushed ahead and submitted an outline planning application for Huscote Farm
The comment due date has since closed, however Cherwell District Council have indicated that they will consider all comments made up until the date of the decision so it is not too late if you wish to comment and haven’t already
Cherwell District Council Planning Committee meet monthly, with the agenda publicised around a week before each meeting.
Original Planning Application For Huscote Farm on Cherwell District Council Planning Portal
Huscote Farm Planning Application to be Determined at Public Inquiry
This application was subsequently withdrawn by the applicant
Many of the statutory consultants have objected to this application and some have requested further information and evaluation. The application is due to be decided by Cherwell District Council planning committee but they have not yet considered this
The applicant has now lodged an appeal to the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government on the grounds of non-determination of a Planning Application
This means that due to the time taken, the application will no longer be decided by Cherwell District Council planning committee but will be decided at a Public Inquiry
Any comments already made via CDC planning portal will be passed to the planning inspectorate and any further comments must be made to the Planning Inspectorate no later than 31st January 2023
You should contact both your MP and local councillors to ask that they represent your views at the Public Inquiry
Banbury LCWIP
Oxfordshire County Council and Cherwell District Council are currently working on a Banbury LCWIP – Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plan. This is about identifying and highlighting safe routes for people to use when walking and cycling and looking about how these routes can be made safer and more accessible.
The proposed “Village Route 6” consulted on a proposal for a route from Banbury to Middleton Cheney via Overthorpe, this is very much supported but as part of the consultation it was suggested that this be enhanced to a circular route encompassing Nethercote. Such route would maximise the value of this tranquil area for recreation, already used by many for walking, running and cycling

Oxfordshire County Council are currently reviewing responses to this consultation and the next consultation is expected any time now
Planning Application for mixed use development including 240 bed hotel at J11 M40 – APPLICATION WITHDRAWN
This application is for the remaining earmarked land between M40 and A361, up to J11 Roundabout

The comment due date has since closed, however Cherwell District Council have indicated that they will consider all comments made up until the date of the decision so it is not too late if you wish to comment and haven’t already
New Proposal For Land at J11 M40
Following the withdrawal of the controversial planning application to build a hotel, offices and other complexes on the land off A361 M40, J11 a new application has now been submitted to Cherwell District Council for permission to build a third warehouse on this land which has been approved, subject to conditions.
We will of course update on developments and new consultations where you can have your say, as they are launched. The best way to keep up to date on these is to follow us on our Social Media Platforms which you can find by clicking each link!
Please make sure you have given your comments on the current planning applications
You can also sign our petition to #keepnethercoterural
If you pass through the area, you can also support our Bioblitz by recording any wildlife that you see
If you feel strongly about the impact these proposals will have on aspects such as traffic, the destruction of our local heritage, the loss of the biodiversity in the area then you should contact your own local councillors and MP to make them aware of your thoughts on these issues.